Embracing Strategic Quitting: How to Know When It’s Time to Let Go

“But I can’t quit!” exclaimed one of my clients, visibly exhausted after investing a year into a project with unclear returns. My response? “What if that wasn’t true?”

Challenging the stories we tell ourselves is not just healthy; it’s a hallmark of robust performance. Recognizing when it’s time to let go is crucial. Here’s how:

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Building for Tomorrow: Lessons on Long-Term Value from a Never-Ending Renovation

While navigating what seems like a never-ending house reconstruction, I was struck by a common thread among many entrepreneurs and small businesses: a preference for short-term gains over sustainable success.
This approach isn’t just prevalent in construction—it’s a widespread mode of operation among business owners and corporate leaders across various industries.

If you’re faced with a decision where you could opt for immediate gain or invest in future potential, consider these questions:

Continue reading → Building for Tomorrow: Lessons on Long-Term Value from a Never-Ending Renovation

Key Qualities for Successful Business Partnerships: How to Choose the Right One?

Are you considering finding new business partners?
What qualities do you prioritize in them beyond their skills?

As some of my partnerships failed and others blossomed in the past years, I’ve learned the right partnerships are about a few key things.

Let’s start with the need for the partner to share your vision and values 💫

Continue reading → Key Qualities for Successful Business Partnerships: How to Choose the Right One?