These days, you can almost physically feel that the world is changing. A child’s sneeze means something different than it did a few days ago and with that we have become more alert, more intentional and possibly more in tune to the here and now.
Humankind has an amazing ability to adapt. Things and behaviors that were seemingly impossible become the norm within a few days.
Last week, you may have shaken hands with your clients. This week, you both smile acknowledging an unspoken agreement that a default habit is indefinitely gone. There is a bigger cause – we want to stay safe – that makes it easy to change.
Change in general suddenly seems flowing.
Besides not shaking hands and sneezing into elbows, organizations are forced into flexibility. Leaders, who resisted acknowledging the blurring line between life and work, are now supportive of home office arrangements. They’re focusing on HOW to make it work as opposed to IF. A child’s cry on a business call is tolerated without eyeroll.
It is impossible to predict the future. Reality is changing every hour. Red circles on the heatmap keep increasing as the number of Coronavirus-infected rises globally.
Entrepreneurs and also long-established businesses suddenly doubt their cause, purpose, or strategies as they quickly shift to creative solutions that mesh with new governmental measures announced that day.
Yet still … while we may have to adjust our tactics, I am persuaded we must stay true to our purpose and values. We depend on each other and our ability to see beyond our own immediate interests.
I fully trust the capable medical establishment and rely on information from expert epidemiologists in terms of what we need to do to not add to their burden, so that they can take care of all the people whose health will be seriously impacted.
I am committed to adapt my behaviors and limit myself and my family to the extent needed so that this passes as quickly as possible with the least possible number of victims and overall damage caused.
Are you?
Along with that commitment, I want to shout out to all the single parents and parents of young children who are balancing the care for small people as our schools close. Thanks for staying committed to your littles ones while keeping businesses open and our economy going. This is no small task. I know you do it out of respect and responsibility to others. Kudos!
Yes, the coronavirus will impact all of us: either health-wise or from the perspective of a declining global economy.
If you’re struggling to keep a positive mindset while staying home with your children and balancing your career, please reach out because I want to help where I can.
To do so, I am offering the first 10 people who respond a free, 60-minute online coaching conversation. There’s no charge. No obligation. No sales spiel.
I simply want to help.
If you’re interested, write to
For the rest of you, please share: what are you doing to help?
If we each share our ideas, we will create a large pool of possible actions to choose from to do good in a world in which tomorrow is defined by our best today.
Dana, thank you so much for your insight as it is both timely and so spot on. I see it everyday in our organization. The adjustments, the flexibility, the willingness to be open and appreciative of the little things that people are doing. It is a wonderful thing to witness. Your offer to help others is exactly what is needed in this time . Thank you for being you.